What is compliance? ‘the practice of obeying rules or requests made by people in authority‘

Companies wishing to protect digital information through Microsoft Compliance and Security find it a daunting task. If you are just starting out on the compliance and security journey you might want to take a look at this helpful blog by Gregory Zelfond.

Some of the key points of Compliance and Security include:

  • Protect sensitive data

  • Retention policies - how long should business hold onto information

  • Sensitive information and offensive language policies

  • Information Governance (records management)

Well informed employees make better business decisions” - Microsoft provide a platform with SharePoint to ensure businesses keep employees informed and up-to-date with knowledge. How we choose to impart that knowledge can take many forms, such as:

  • Documentation

  • News

  • Blogs

  • Video

Read and Understood extends Microsoft Compliance and Security by making it more user-centric, providing the tools to businesses ensuring their staff are keeping up-to-date. While Read and Understood was primarily developed with documents in mind, it can also capture user acknowledgements of other content such as Videos and News…

While a video may not update or change very often, that is not the case with documents. Policies and procedures regularly have to be updated, each version is tracked by Read and Understood so that a full audit trail is available of recipients who did or did not acknowledge reading documents.